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Lecture Demonstration Manual
7. Astronomy
Table of Contents
1. Mechanics
2. Harmonic Motion, Waves and Sound
3. Matter and Thermodynamics
4. Electricity and Magnetism
5. Light and Optics
6. Modern Physics
7. Astronomy
A. Introduction
B. Angular Momentum
C. Binary Stars
D. Earth, Sun, and Sky
E. Gravity and Orbits
F. Light, Spectra, Atoms
G. Newton's Laws
H. Nuclear Physics
I. Optics
J. Quantum Mechanics
8. Software and Multimedia
9. Index and code conversion from older manual
External Resources
C. Binary Stars
A gravity well is attached to a rotating platform and spun to simulate binary star systems.
‹ 20. Turntable and Weights
D. Earth, Sun, and Sky ›
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