9. Index and code conversion from older manual


1. Mechanics

A. First Day Demos

10. First Day Demos (1.A.10) M.0.2
20. Chaos (1.A.20) M.0.3
30. Things Are Not What They Seem (1.A.30) M.0.1

B. First Law, Inertia

10. Bed of Nails (1.B.10) M.3.5
20. Flick the Card (1.B.20) M.3.2
30. Hammer and Rod (1.B.30) M.3.7
40. Hoop and Flask (1.B.40) M.3.4
50. Inertia Ball (Jerk and Pull) (1.B.50) M.3.3
60. Jerk the Tablecloth (1.B.60) M.3.1
70. Partial Pie Plate (1.B.70) M.3.6

C. Second Law

10. Dynamics Track Demos (1.C.10) M.4.1

D. Third Law

10. Ballisocardiograph (1.D.10) M.5.4
20. Paradox of Forces (1.D.20) M.5.1
30. Rockets (1.D.30) M.5.2
40. Sail and Prop (1.D.40) M.5.3

E. Angular Momentum

10. Gyroscopes and Tops (1.E.10) M.15.3
20. Turntable and Bicycle Wheel (1.E.20) M.15.2
30. Turntable and Weights (1.E.30) M.15.1

F. Ballistics

10. Ballistic Pendulum (1.F.10) M.10.1
20. Galilean Relativity (1.F.20) M.10.7
30. Horizontal and Vertical Ball Drop (1.F.30) M.10.3
40. Monkey and Hunter (1.F.40) M.10.4
50. Ping Pong Cannon (Jerk and Pull) (1.F.50) M.10.6
60. Range of a Gun (1.F.60) M.10.2
70. Water Stream Ballistics (1.F.70) M.10.5

G. Center of Mass Demonstrations

10. A Set of CM Demos (1.G.10) M.16.1
20. Oloid (1.G.20) M.16.5
30. Stacking Blocks (1.G.30) M.16.4
40. Tiltable Prism (1.G.40) M.16.2
50. Tilted Wine Bottle (1.G.50) M.16.3

H. Energy

10. "Faith in Physics" Pendulum (1.H.10) M.11.3
20. Galilean Pendulum and Track (1.H.20) M.11.1
30. Loop the Loop (1.H.30) M.11.2
40. Measurement of Horsepower (1.H.40) M.11.5
50. Perpetual Motion Top (1.H.50) M.11.4

I. Friction

10. Blackboard Mechanics (1.I.10) M.7.3
20. Friction Blocks (1.I.20) M.7.1
30. Terminal Velocity (1.I.30) M.7.2

J. Gravitational Acceleration

10. Acceleration Down an Inclined Plane (1.J.10) M.9.2
20. Cavendish Balance (1.J.20) M.9.5
30. Drop Two Balls (1.J.30) M.9.9
40. Falling Chimney (1.J.40) M.9.8
50. Guinea and Feather Tube (1.J.50) M.9.6
60. Horizontal and Vertical Ball Drop (1.J.60) M.9.3
70. Local Inertial Frame (1.J.70) M.9.7
80. Measurements of g (1.J.80) M.9.1
90. Three Balls Falling (1.J.90) M.9.4
100. Weightlessness (1.J.100) M.9.10

K. Kinematics

10. Acceleration Down an Inclined Plane (1.K.10) M.2.2
20. Motion Concepts - Sonic Ranger (1.K.20) M.2.3
30. Motion Concepts (1.K.30) M.2.1
40. Sonic Basketball (1.K.40) M.2.4

L. Momentum and Collisions

10. Ballistic Pendulum (1.L.10) M.6.7
20. Coefficient of Restitution (1.L.20) M.6.9
30. Collision Balls (1.L.30) M.6.1
40. Crash Test Dummies Video (1.L.40) M.6.12
50. Dynamic Track Collisions (1.L.50) M.6.2
60. Happy and Unhappy Impact (1.L.60) M.6.13
70. Hover Disks (1.L.70) M.6.5
80. Impulse (1.L.80) M.6.8
90. Reaction Carts (1.L.90) M.6.3
100. Two Balls hanging (1.L.100) M.6.6
110. Weight of an Hourglass (1.L.110) M.6.11

M. Nonlinear Mechanics

10. Compound Chaotic Pendulum (1.M.10) M.17.2
20. Paul Trap (1.M.10) M.17.1

N. Rotational Inertia

10. Loop the Loop (1.N.10) M.12.2
20. Rolling Objects (1.N.20) M.12.1
30. Rotational Acceleration (1.N.30) M.12.3
40. Torsion Pendulum (1.N.40) M.12.4
50. Turntable and Weights (1.N.50) M.12.5

O. Statics

10. Biceps Muscle (1.O.10) M.8.1
20. Leaning Ladder (1.O.20) M.8.3
30. Strut and Tie Set (1.O.30) M.8.2

P. Torque

10. Falling Chimney (1.P.10) M.14.2
20. Torque Illustrations (1.P.20) M.14.1
30. Torque Wrench (1.P.30) M.14.4
40. Tricks with a Meter Stick (1.P.40) M.14.3

Q. Uniform Circular Motion

10. Centripetal Force (1.Q.10) M.12.2
20. Coriolis Force (1.Q.20) M.12.4
30. Principle of a Foucalt Pendulum (1.Q.30) M.12.5
40. Simple Accelerometer (1.Q.40) M.12.1
50. Swing a Bucket or Tray (1.Q.50) M.12.3

R. Vectors and Forces

10. Ephysics Applet (1.R.10) -
20. Hanging Pulley (1.R.20) M.1.3
30. Projection Force Table (1.R.30) M.1.2
40. Sailing Closehauled (1.R.40) M.1.4
50. Vector Addition (1.R.50) M.1.1
60. Vector Addition Arrows (1.R.60) M.1.5
70. What is a Radian? (1.R.70) M.1.6

S. Data Studio

2. Harmonic Motion and Waves

A. Simple Harmonic Motion

10. Current Coupled Coils (2.A.10) W.1.6
20. Driven Mass on a Spring (2.A.20) W.1.2
30. Driven Torsion Pendulum (2.A.30) W.1.3
40. Driven Tuning Fork (2.A.40) W.1.5
50. Laser Sine Wave from Tuning Fork (2.A.50) W.1.4
60. Mystery Pendulum Explanation (2.A.60) -
70. Parametric Oscillation (2.A.70) W.1.8
80. Pendulum Waves (2.A.80) -
90. Resonance (2.A.90) W.1.9
100. Simple Harmonic Motion (2.A.100) W.1.1
110. Two Balls Hanging (2.A.110) W.1.7

B. Waves

10. Bell Wave Machine (2.B.10) W.2.3
20. Doppler Shift (2.B.20) W.2.14
30. Fluorescent Motor Driven Spring (2.B.30) W.2.8
40. Fourier Analysis and Synthesis (2.B.40) W.2.11
50. Group and Phase Velocity (2.B.50) W.2.12
60. Kundt's Tube (2.B.60) W.2.5
70. Light (2.B.70) W.2.13
80. Longitudinal and Transverse Waves (2.B.80) W.2.4
90. Microwaves (2.B.90) W.2.9
100. Motor Driven Spring (2.B.100) W.2.7
110. Ripple Tank (2.B.110) W.2.6
120. Rubber Hose or Wave Spring (2.B.120) W.2.1
130. Rudnick's String (2.B.130) W.2.10
140. Soap Film Oscillations (2.B.140) -
150. Space Phone (2.B.150) W.2.2
160. Spontaneous Synchronization (2.B.160) -

C. Acoustics

10. Effects of Sound
10. Acoustical Interference (2.C.10.10) A.2.10
20. Acoustical Perception (2.C.10.20) A.2.9
30. Beats and Sympathetic Vibration (2.C.10.30) A.2.4
40. Bell in Vacuum (2.C.10.40) A.2.2
50. Breaking Glass with Sound (2.C.10.50) A.2.14
60. Chladni Plate (2.C.10.60) A.2.11
70. Doppler Shift (2.C.10.70) A.2.3
80. Flame Tube (2.C.10.80) A.2.7
90. Helmholtz Resonator (2.C.10.90) A.2.8
100. Kundt's Tube (2.C.10.100) A.2.6
110. Rijke Tubes (2.C.10.110) A.2.12
120. Rudnick's Acoustical Cavity and Motor (2.C.10.120) A.2.13
130. Science of Sound Tape (2.C.10.130) A.2.1
140. Voice with Helium and SF6 (2.C.10.140) A.2.5
20. Musical Instruments (2.C.20) -

3. Matter and Thermodynamics

A. Fluids

10. Archimedes Principle (3.A.10) T.1.2
20. Atmospheric Pressure (3.A.20) T.1.8
30. Bernoulli Demos (3.A.30) T.1.5
40. Cartesian Diver (3.A.40) T.1.13
50. Connecting Capillaries (3.A.50) T.1.10
60. Effects in a Vacuum (3.A.60) T.1.7
70. Imiscible Fluids (3.A.70) T.1.9
80. Isotropy of Pressure (3.A.80) T.1.1
90. Non-Newtonian Fluids (3.A.90) T.1.14
100. Odd Shaped Vessels (3.A.100) T.1.3
110. Pascal's Vases (3.A.110) T.1.4
120. Throw 'Em a Curve (3.A.120) T.1.6
130. Velocity of Efflux (3.A.130) T.1.11
140. Viscosity Bottles (3.A.140) T.1.12

B. Heat and Temperature

10. Anisotropic Heat Conduction (3.B.10) -
20. Conductivity (3.B.20) T.2.2
30. Drinking Bird and Love Meter (3.B.30) T.2.7
40. Expansion (3.B.40) T.2.3
50. Firewalking (3.B.50) -
60. Fun With LN2 (3.B.60) T.2.6
70. Galileo's Air Thermometer (3.B.70) T.2.4
80. Gummy Bear Incinerator (3.B.80) -
90. Specific Heat (3.B.90) T.2.1
100. Thermocouple (3.B.100) T.2.5

C. Matter

10. Coefficient of Restitution Balls (3.C.10) T.4.1
20. Crystal Models (3.C.20) T.4.3
30. Differential Floatation (3.C.30) T.4.2
40. Face-Centered and Body-Centered Lattices (3.C.40) T.4.5
50. Fourteen Bravais Lattices (3.C.50) T.4.6
60. Nine Basic Crystal Lattices (3.C.60) T.4.4

D. Thermodynamics

10. Boiling by Cooling (3.D.10) T.3.4
20. Brownian Motion (3.D.20) T.3.2
30. Cooling by Evaporation (3.D.30) T.3.3
40. Heat Engines (3.D.40) T.3.7
50. Laws of Thermodynamics (3.D.50) T.3.8
60. Liquid Helium Film (3.D.60) T.3.6
70. Molecular Motion (3.D.70) T.3.1
80. Ruchardt's Cp/Cv Measurement (3.D.80) T.3.5

4. Electricity and Magnetism

A. AC Circuits

10. AC-DC Difference (4.A.10) E.7.1
20. Circuit Puzzle (4.A.20) -
30. Filters (4.A.30) E.7.4
40. Perfectly Safe Human Shocker (4.A.40) -
50. RC Integration and Differentiation (4.A.50) E.7.5
60. RC and RL Circuits (4.A.60) E.7.3
70. RLC Circuit and Resonance (4.A.70) E.7.6
80. The 90D Phase Shift of a Capacitor (4.A.80) E.7.2

B. Capacitors and Inductors

10. Back EMF (4.B.10) E.2.5
20. Big Sparks (4.B.20) E.2.6
30. Capacitors and Inductors (4.B.30) E.2.4
40. Coin Shrinker, Can Cutter (4.B.40) E.2.8
50. Flowing Charge (4.B.50) E.2.7
60. Leyden Jars (4.B.60) E.2.1
70. Parallel Plate Capacitors (4.B.70) E.2.3
80. RC Time Constant (4.B.80) E.2.2

C. DC Circuits

10. Batteries and Electrolysis (4.C.10) E.6.5
20. Internal Resistance of a Meter (4.C.20) E.6.7
30. Joule Cooking (4.C.30) E.6.4
40. Light Bulbs in Series and Parallel (4.C.40) E.6.2
50. Making Ammeters and Voltmeters (4.C.50) E.6.6
60. Ohm's Law (4.C.60) E.6.3
70. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (4.C.70) E.6.9
80. Terminal Voltage (4.C.80) E.6.8
90. Voltage and Current Measurements (4.C.90) E.6.1

D. Electrodynamics

10. Bicycle Generator (4.D.10) -
20. Current Coupled Coils (4.D.20) E.5.2
30. E/M and Helical Electrons (4.D.30) E.5.12
40. Experiments in a Microwave Oven (4.D.40) -
50. Faraday Induction (4.D.50) E.5.1
60. Hertzian Waves (4.D.60) E.5.8
70. Infrared, Radiometer, and Maxwell's Spectrum (4.D.70) E.5.9
80. Lenz's Law (4.D.80) E.5.3
90. Motors and Generators (4.D.90) E.5.6
100. Mutual Inductance (4.D.100) E.5.11
110. Paul Trap (4.D.110) -
120. Tesla Coils (4.D.120) E.5.5
130. Transformers (4.D.130) E.5.4
140. Transmission Line (4.D.140) E.5.13
150. Vector Potential (4.D.150) E.5.10

E. Electronics

10. Protoboards (4.E.10) E.8.1
20. Solar Cell (4.E.20) E.8.4

F. Electrostatics

10. Avatar Love (4.F.10) -
20. Coulomb's Law (4.F.20) E.1.7
30. Dissectable Leyden Jar (4.F.30) E.1.5
40. Electric Field Projection (4.F.40) E.1.6
50. Electric Potential (4.F.50) E.1.9
60. Electrophorus (4.F.60) E.1.3
70. Faraday Ice Pail (4.F.70) E.1.10
80. Franklin's Bells (4.F.80) E.1.2a
90. Gauss' Law (4.F.90) E.1.8
100. Simple Electrostatic Experiments (4.F.100) E.1.1
110. Van de Graaff Experiments (4.F.110) E.1.2
120. Wimshurst Generator (4.F.120) E.1.4

G. Mag Lev

10. Alcon Levitator (4.G.10) E.9.2
20. Bottom Up Levitation (4.G.20) -
30. Diagmagnetically Stabilized Magnetic Levitators (4.G.30) -
40. High T Superconductor (4.G.40) E.9.5
50. Horizontal Levitator (4.G.50) -
60. Levitation of Diagmagnets & Frogs (4.G.60) -
70. Levitron (4.G.70) E.9.1
80. Magnetic Levitation (4.G.80) E.9.0

H. Magnetic Fields of Currents

10. Jumping Wire (4.H.10) E.4.7
20. Long Straight Wire (4.H.20) E.4.2
30. Lorentz Force Law (4.H.30) E.4.1
40. Magnetic Effect on Current (4.H.40) E.4.6
50. Meter Movement (4.H.50) E.4.8
60. Oersted Effect (4.H.60) E.4.5
70. Parallel Wires (4.H.70) E.4.4
80. Solenoid and Loop Fields (4.H.80) E.4.3

I. Magnetostatics

10. Barkhausen Effect (4.I.10) E.3.6
20. Compliance, Reluctance, Coercion (4.I.20) E.3.4
30. Curie Motor (4.I.30) E.3.9
40. Curie Temperature (4.I.40) E.3.11
50. Earth's Magnetic Field (4.I.50) E.3.1
60. Gauss Cannon (4.I.60) E.3.12
70. Hysteresis Curve (4.I.70) E.3.8
80. Magnetic Field of a Bar Magnet (4.I.80) E.3.3
90. Magnets and Compasses (4.I.90) E.3.2
100. Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism (4.I.100) E.3.10
110. Rowland's Ring (4.I.110) E.3.7
120. Simple Measurement of B (4.I.120) E.3.5

5. Optics

A. Geometrical Optics

10. Blackboard Optics (5.A.10) O.1.3
20. Image From a Lens or Mirror (5.A.20) O.1.5
30. Introducing the Laser (5.A.30) O.1.2
40. Lens Aberrations (5.A.40) O.1.9
50. Measuring a Glasses Prescription (5.A.50) O.1.8
60. Multiple Images in Mirrors (5.A.60) O.1.6
70. Projected Colors (5.A.70) O.1.11
80. Real and Virtual Image Illusions (5.A.80) O.1.4
90. Refraction (5.A.90) O.1.1
100. Sunset Colors from Scattering (5.A.100) O.1.10
110. Total Internal Reflection (5.A.110) O.1.7

B. Interference and Diffraction

10. Acoustical Interference (5.B.10) O.3.7
20. Dispersion (5.B.20)  
30. Holograms (5.B.30) O.3.5
40. Michelson Interferometer (5.B.40) O.3.6
50. Newton's Rings (5.B.50) O.3.2
60. Ripple Tank (5.B.60) O.3.4
70. Single, Double, and Multiple Slits (5.B.70) O.3.3
80. Soap Film (5.B.80) O.3.1

C. Optical Instruments

10. Optical Instruments (5.C.10) O.5

D. Polarization

10. Birefringence (5.D.10) O.2.5
20. Brewster's Angle (5.D.20) O.2.4
30. Crossed Polarizers (5.D.30) O.2.3
40. Polarization by Scattering (5.D.40) O.2.2
50. Polaroid Sheets (5.D.50) O.2.1

E. Spectra

10. Absorption of Sodium Light (5.E.10) O.4.4
20. Arc Tubes (5.E.20) O.4.3
30. Dispersion (5.E.30) O.4.2
40. Gratings (5.E.40) O.4.1
50. Projected Mercury and Continuous Spectra (5.E.50) O.4.5

F. Speed of Light


6. Modern Physics

A. Nuclear and Particle Physics

10. Cloud Chamber (6.A.10) Z.N.6
20. Colored Quarks (6.A.20) Z.N.8
30. Heavy Water (6.A.30) Z.N.2
40. Nuclear Physics Films (6.A.40) Z.N.3
50. Nuclear Physics Transparencies (6.A.50) Z.N.4
60. Radioactivity and Counters (6.A.60) Z.N.1

B. Principle of Equivalence and General Relativity

10. Curved Spacetime (6.B.10) Z.G.5
20. Hypercube (6.B.20) Z.G.5
30. Local Inertial Frame (6.B.30) Z.G.4
40. The Monkey and the POE (6.B.40) Z.G.3
50. Weightlessness (6.B.50) Z.G.1
60. Zero g film (6.B.60) Z.G.2

C. Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics

10. Barrier Penetration (6.C.10) Z.Q.6
20. Black Body Radiation (6.C.20) Z.Q.2
30. Bohr Atom (6.C.30) Z.Q.10
40. Electron Diffraction (6.C.40) Z.Q.5
50. Energy Levels (6.C.50) Z.Q.11
60. Frank Hertz Experiment (6.C.60) Z.Q.9
70. Photoelectric Effect (6.C.70) Z.Q.4
80. Wave Particle Duality (6.C.80) Z.Q.3
90. e/m (6.C.90) Z.Q.1

D. Special Relativity

10. Michelson Interferometer (6.D.10) Z.R.2
20. Relativity Films (6.D.20) Z.R.1
30. Special Relativity (6.D.30) Z.R.3

7. Astronomy

A. Introduction

B. Angular Momentum

10. Supernova Bounce (7.B.10) Astro.5.2
20. Turntable and Weights (7.B.20) Astro.5.1

C. Binary Stars

C. Binary Stars (7.C) Astro.4.1

D. Earth, Sun, and Sky

10. Celestial Sphere (7.D.10) Astro.4.2
20. Desktop Planetarium (7.D.20) Astro.4.3
30. Lunar Orbit and Phases (7.D.30) Astro.4.1

E. Gravity and Orbits

10. Ellipse Drawer (7.E.10) Astro.3.2
20. Gravity Well (7.E.20) -
30. Partial Pie Plate (7.E.30) Astro.3.1

F. Light, Spectra, Atoms

10. Atomic Energy Levels (7.F.10) Astro.6.6
20. Doppler Shift (7.F.20) Astro.6.5
30. Gratings (7.F.30) Astro.6.2
40. H Spectrum Projection (7.F.40) Astro.6.4
50. Prisms (7.F.50) Astro.6.1
60. Sodium Absorption (7.F.60) Astro.6.7
70. Spectral Arc Tubes (7.F.70) Astro.6.3
80. Sunspots (7.F.80) Astro.6.8

G. Newton's Laws

10. Newton's First Law, Inertia (7.G.10) Astro.2.1
20. Newton's Second Law (7.G.20) Astro.2.2
30. Newton's Third Law (7.G.30) Astro.2.3

H. Nuclear Physics

10. Cloud Chamber (7.H.10) Astro.2.3
20. Geiger Counter (7.H.20) Astro.8.2
30. Heavy Water (7.H.30) Astro.8.1

I. Optics

10. Blackboard Optics (7.I.10) Astro.9.1
20. Inverting Telescope (7.I.20) Astro.9.3
30. Parabolic Mirror (7.I.30) Astro.9.2

J. Quantum Mechanics

10. Black-body Radiation (7.J.10) Astro.7.3
20. Laser Diffraction and Interference (7.J.20) Astro.7.2
30. Photoelectric Effect (7.J.30) Astro.7.1